Friday, August 1, 2014

home again, home again

It was great to be back this week -- back to our own bed, back to work, back to cycling in Edmonton.

It's true: traffic really is quieter in San Francisco. I realized that it is probably because there are so many hybrids there and, of course, so few trucks. The buses are also electric. I'm not sure of the reason behind fewer sirens down there, but I do know I heard numerous sirens every day this week, along with the cacophony of other traffic noises. 

San Francisco drivers also have this strange habit of stopping for orange lights, whereas here in Edmonton, every day, at every intersection, I see people run red lights.

On the plus side, I had a renewed appreciation for the stretch of River Valley trail that I ride for about 5 km each morning and afternoon. Although at times it is well-used, it is nowhere near as busy as the multi-use and dedicated bike trails in San Francisco, and it was a dream to ride. Ditto the shared pathway along 100 Avenue. 

And the hills -- well, I am pretty sure the hill leading up behind the Royal Glenora into Ezio Faraone Park is a more challenging climb than any of the hills along the bike routes in San Fran. 
It's all uphill from here!

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