Friday, August 1, 2014


Yesterday morning, as I rode along the flat stretch of the River Valley trail, a fit-looking guy on a sleek-looking road bike came sailing down one of the steep trails from Glenora. He landed ahead of me and continued to hold the lead until we reached the little hill that takes you up onto River Road trail. At that point he slowed down and I found myself right behind him. After we reached the top I had to decide: is he really a slow rider, one that I should pass? OR if I pass him, is he going to pass me ten seconds later? He did look pretty fit, and he was riding the superior bike, so I was giving it some thought when he turned his head and let fly a wad of gob. It sailed past me at the 20 km/hr speed of the east wind, narrowly missing my head and shoulders.

Just showing the importance of looking behind before you decide to clear those passages in a big way.

Needless to say, this helped me decide that I definitely wanted to be in front of this guy and I passed.

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