Sunday, June 1, 2014

head for the hills

Yesterday I headed for the hills -- first, riding straight north all the way uphill. I then rode to the seniors' home, turned around and rode to the top of the next hill. From there I rode east again, turning south and then west for more uphill riding, finally reaching my goal of Lilac Lane. Since the lilacs on the 100 Avenue shared sidewalk are in bloom, I wondered about the state of the lilac hedgerow up here. But, no this strip of lilacs is still waiting to come into its full glory -- maybe next weekend.

This stretch of road is very close to Roller Coaster Road, so that was my next turn, riding up and up before being rewarded with a fairly decent downhill run.

From here, it was back to town, where I ended my ride rather disappointingly with a blowout -- complete with ruined rear tire -- right next to Living Waters school. Fortunately Son #4 was available to pick me up and take me to the bike shop.

My total distance was about 55 km. For some reason I rode slower than usual -- maybe it was all the hill climbing -- but it was a good ride anyway. It was about 18 C and just a very light wind, so great riding conditions.

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