Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spring ahead?

This week has not given me much hope that spring is ahead any time soon, in spite of the approaching time change.

Monday morning: -25 C, -30 wind chill.
Tuesday morning: snow -- enough that I decided to bus into the city.
This morning: -20 C, -26 wind chill.

On Monday I rode from Crestwood, but today I figured I could handle the longer ride, so I parked at my normal spot. I saw S., the woman I met a couple of weeks ago as she came up out of the River Valley. She was riding west on the 100 Avenue shared pathway, and did she ever look COLD! I was still toasty warm at that time, but by the time I reached the Victoria Park Boulevard bike lane, I, too, was feeling it.

Fortunately as I rode along this lane, something occurred to distract me from my cold fingers. I grew up on a fairly busy street in the booming prairie metropolis of Swift Current, Sask., and learned at a young age not to open a car door into a lane of traffic. Apparently not all City of Edmonton employees had moms who taught them that lesson. Today, not only was a city truck completely blocking the bike lane, but the door was open, blocking most of the vehicle lane as well. I had to ride around it, hoping no cars were approaching from the opposite direction. Meanwhile, the worker had his head deep in the truck and was completely oblivious to the fact that I was passing. Oh well, I guess I should be glad the city employees were out there working. Presumably they are making our lives better.

I saw two other cyclists along 100 Avenue and plenty of tire tracks in the fresh snow. It always makes me happy to see those, especially when I recognize other "Table Top" tires in the mix.

Today was our second last day of class before a one-week break. Tomorrow is another Global Cooking day -- stuffed tilapia is on the menu -- so we discussed the recipe. I also used a listening exercise on how fish helps our brains. We all decided that this is the secret weapon of Mr Kim from Korea -- he eats fish almost every day, and at 72 he is still going strong, learning English and thinking like mad!

My trip back to the car after work was quite a bit more comfortable -- the temperature was about -15, so my hands stayed nice and cozy. I spotted the young girl in a green coat, whom I see every day as she walks home from school. We always exchange a friendly greeting. Ditto the Filippino nannv with two blond schookids and a double stroller.

And as I crossed an intersection where a couple of cars yielded to me at a stop sign, as was their due, the guy in the first car caught my eye, gave me the thumbs-up and raised his hands in applause. That made me smile.

On the shared sidewalk, I also passed an older man riding his bike and looking as happy as could be.

Unfortunately more snow is in the forecast for tomorrow, so it might be another bus day. But supposedly warm weather is on its way, so maybe there is hope for spring after all.

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