Saturday, May 18, 2013

I fought the wind...

and I won!
I think the weather station needs a new wind sock. 

Today when I looked at the Environment Canada website before I left for my ride, it said "Wind: calm." But I hadn't ridden more than a few meters when I saw the flags flapping at the new housing development near our place. Those flags can't move if there's no wind. 

All was fine and dandy riding north up the hills, but as soon as I turned east, I felt the force of a driving southeasterly and saw the trees bending and swaying. I can never decide whether a headwind or a crosswind is worse. On the one hand, I was nervous that a sudden gust from the south might carry me sideways into the line of traffic, but on the other hand, it's also frustrating to pedal like crazy into the wind and feel like I am not really making any progress.

But I know for sure that I love the victorious feeling that comes after I've reached my destination -- the feeling that I've fought and conquered. 

I rode 45 km today, just a ride in the park compared to yesterday's sojourn. But I did make sure I took in both of the climbs -- the first while heading north and the other going west. 
Temperature: 21 C  ~  Wind: calm (ha ha)

To paraphrase an oldie but goodie:

"Cranking those pedals in the hot sun,
I fought the wind and ~ I won..."

(And yes, I do know that wind speed is not really measured with a wind sock!)

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