Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pride before the fall

Today we went into the city for church and then to the Good Buddy Chinese restaurant for lunch with Sons #1, 4 and 5.

When we got home I persuaded Hubby to come for a late afternoon bike ride with me. Although he doesn't enjoy it the same way I do, occasionally he accompanies me. Today was one of the better rides for him, as he used Son #5's new road bike.

We rode a little more than 30 km: straight north to the top of the hill, which is 13 km, west to what I call Deer Trail (I've seen deer there twice now) and then south back into town. The wind was from the south and pretty brisk -- around 30 km/hour -- but south is also mostly downhill, so that's not so bad.

I wore my cycling shoes and clipped them into and out of the pedals like a pro, stopping successfully perhaps 8-10 times along the way. Just as I was telling myself that maybe I would be the exception to the "everyone falls" rule, I came to the last light before our house. It was red and I stopped, but something went seriously wrong. My shoe didn't come out and I fell! Of course, as fate would have it, there was a lot of traffic in all directions, so it was pretty embarrassing. But I got up and hopped back on the bike, saw that the light was green, and took off across the intersection, clipping my shoes into the pedals as I went. My embarrassment was somewhat mitigated by the thought that at least I was on my bike and getting exercise, instead of sitting in one of those ubiquitous oversized gas-guzzling pickup trucks.

But that thought only somewhat eases the pain of my scraped and bruised knee and my bruised tailbone (I made contact with the nose of the saddle as I descended.) 

My yoga routine was more than a little painful tonight!

To add insult to injury, after we got back I took the dog for a 4.5 km walk -- and got rained on.Oh well, that means it's really spring.

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