Tuesday, April 2, 2013

a death wish?

One of the pitfalls of bicycle commuting only partway to work -- if I forget to bring something I need for my bicycle trip, I can't just turn around and go back in the house to get it.

I drive about twenty minutes into the west end of Edmonton, park my car and ride my bike downtown. Today I got out of the car, went to grab my helmet from the backseat and got nothing but air. I'd left my helmet at home, on its hook by the door. 

So I rode to work sans head protection. Of course the fact that I had never worn a helmet till I started bicycle commuting about three years ago didn't prevent me from wondering if everyone who passed me was commenting on my stupidity. Or from having those recurrent thoughts about what it would be like to spend the rest of my life drinking from a straw and attending weekly meetings of the local brain injury group.

I made it to work without cracking my skull, but on the way home I stopped in at MEC and handed over $26 for a new helmet. It is kind of ugly, but will stay in the car all the time. Just in case.

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