Sunday, March 31, 2013

uphill and down

Today I took my first long ride of the season, on the range roads and secondary highways north of town. 

Here, I am at the highest point of my ride, looking down towards St. Albert. I rode 47.5 km, using my winter commuting bike with its heavy knobby tires. It wasn't bad, but I do look forward to getting back on my summer bike.  This year I might even break down and buy a for-real road bike. 

It was a great first-of-the-season ride, although I definitely should have worn the padded cycling shorts under my tights. I am just a tad saddle sore.

I found the hill Wordsworth mentions:

Like an army defeated
The snow hath retreated;
And now doth fare ill
On top of the bare hill.

 And today is Easter:

Christ is risen!

He is risen indeed!

I hate to introduce a sad note to a post about such a delightful bike ride, but I really have to wonder what kind of people feel free to throw garbage on the side of the road. Pop cans; beer cans; water bottles; wrappers from McDonalds, A & W, Wendy's and Tim Horton's; washer-fluid jugs; even a soup can and a file box. Always one to give people the benefit of the doubt, I'd like to believe that these litterbugs are misguided philanthropists, eager to help out groups like the Junior Forest Wardens, who get paid by the county to collect trash from the roadsides. But somehow, I doubt it.

Back to happy thoughts: After this bike ride, I came home and ensured an adequate iron intake by eating some Quadruple Chocolate Loaf Cake. I made it with 100% stone ground whole wheat flour from an Indian grocery store on 34th Avenue, and I used half applesauce and half butter to make up 3/4 cup. I also used dark chocolate. Oh yes, and only 1 cup sugar instead of 1 1/3. And non-fat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. So, it's kind of a healthy cake,yes?

Temperature: about 0 celsius. Wind: NW at 14 km/hour. 

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